AI User Experience Study Group | VIRTUAL

  • May 26, 2025
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom - details emailed upon registration


  • Become a member today to register for this virtual meeting and future AI SIG meetings.
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AI User Experience Study Group

Join your local ATD Florida Suncoast Chapter Members as we discuss how we are using AI in our day to day work. What challenges are you facing that AI might be able to help you with? What are the best question prompts to use when utilizing AI for your projects? All of this and more as we lean on one another in this ever changing world! 

Come prepared with:

1. What you are working on for the month with AI.
2. Wins, progress, or set-backs in your use of AI. 
3. Engage with future new goals each month (new task, workflow, or GenAI tools).


Utilizing a less structured format, this ATD Florida Suncoast members only AI study group explores the issues and topics most relevant to L-Tech and Artificial Intelligence Tools. All experience levels are welcome!

We also offer the opportunity to bring the issues and questions to the "hive mind" where we can share, solution, and collaborate on possible fixes to common (and not so common) problems. Please note that this session will NOT be recorded!

Note: While attending ATD Suncoast events, please be aware that photography, audio, and/or video recording may occur. Your attendance serves as your implied consent for ATD Florida Suncoast Chapter, Inc. to use your image in marketing and social media materials.

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