Are you in career transition or planning for an upcoming career transition? Career transition could mean different things: changing industries, changing positions within your current company, seeking a promotion, changing companies but staying in the same field or going through a reduction in work force/downsizing.
Now is the time to prepare for the future
How do you become proactive and prepare yourself for a transition? Trainers prepare their students for their future jobs, work demands or changes in the work force. It all starts with understanding your WOW Factor.
Rob Wolfe Presents:
"What is Your WOW factor?"
Let Rob show you how understanding your WOW (WALK ON WATER) factor can help you prepare for the future transitions in your life or your students for their future.
Trainers are responsible for taking complicated topics and helping their clients understand how this training will help them do their jobs better. They also educate them about the rewards they will reap from embracing the learning they receive.
Are you using your WOW factor (what makes you unique) to ensure your training is successful?
Trainers understand what tools are needed to create a fun and interactive environment which results in learning transfer and ultimately creating a change in behavior for the attendee. Your ability to be successful in using these concepts starts with bringing your WOW presence into the training arena.
Trainers must understand the importance of choosing the correct platform for each topic, setting and attendees: such as classroom training, webinar, on the job training or instructional design (adobe, captivate, electra, etc.) to ensure learning transfer occurs. The trainer must be able to read and interpret the participant’s body language and attention span so they can adjust their presentation appropriately. A return on investment, for the time the attendee is away from their work setting, must occur after the training. A solid WOW factor will keep participants engaged and motive to implement their knowledge.
During transition it is vital to understand and live your WOW factor. Living your WOW factor every day until it become who you are… and you will weather any transition you encounter and be better prepared for the future.
Prepare yourself for the future today by discovering your own WOW factor!
Have a Vision of what is your WOW factor

Rob Wolfe is a great visionary
Also president of
PresIdent of Transitioning Professionals of Tampa Bay
Rob is a published author Focused On Getting Tampa Bay Back To Work
Author of "How To Find A Great Job In the Great Recession: 12 steps To A Job Recovery" October 2012.
Co-Author of "A Road Map To Re-Employment - 12 steps to a successful career transition" 2009.
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