Creating Cultures with Coaching
I have the best job in my company! I work one-on-one with our employees, at various levels, as a coach to help them identify goals and create a plan to achieve those goals. When they find themselves stuck, we explore options that might help them discover and overcome the barrier(s) so they can resume forward movement. Some barriers are personal in nature, some are work related. The overlying goal is to assist the employees I work with to make their life and professional goals or dreams become their reality. In coaching terms, to help them get unstuck, to move from where they are today to where they want to go, so the vision in their mind becomes their reality.
Helping the individual employees actualize their goals and dreams positively impacts the organization in a myriad of ways. In addition to an increase in production and retention, and we also benefit from a greater selection of motivated candidates who want and are ready to be promoted. Morale is impacted positively, resulting in an overall more positive work culture.
Of course, I don’t do this alone. We have a team of coaches. Even my team does not do this alone. It takes commitment from the entire organization to promote a strong and positive coaching culture and to provide this life and business changing benefit to all of our 700+ employees. It takes leaders who believe in the process, and who work together to approve, encourage and coordinate service delivery, thus creating a strong and advantageous coaching culture.
This is an ongoing process and we’ve found what works for our culture at this time. Coaching is about helping the client, individual and/or organization, discover what’s most important to them through exploration and discovery. What is your current organization and/or work environment? What kind of culture have you envisioned for yourself, your colleagues and your organization? What will need to happen to keep your vision moving forward?
Exploring these questions, and others, will lead to new discoveries on your journey toward your vision. If you aren’t sure about your vision, you will have the opportunity to hear new ideas and gain clarity. Come to the workshop with your own questions, ready to engage with the other participants. This is an opportunity to think outside your box to discover new possibilities.
Participants will:
Share your experiences, challenges and vision
Explore ideas and questions
Discover new opportunities and gain clarity
Realize potential benefits
Presenter: Dana Knuuti

Presenter Bio:
Dana Knuuti is the Program Manager at a local organization which provides life coaching services for 700+ employees. Dana has a graduate degree in Counseling and is currently working on becoming a Certified Professional Life Coach.
Program Logistics:
Location: Panera Bread, UTC, 215 N Cattlemen Rd, Sarasota, FL 34243
Please note, there is a limit of 20 seats for this event!
Cost: $15 for ATD members and $20 for guests and other non-ATD members
Iced tea / water and cookies will be provided. Additional food and beverage available for purchase at Panera.
5:45-6:30 PM - Networking
6:30 PM - 7:45 PM - Program
8:00 PM - Adjourn
Please note:
The Suncoast Chapter of the Association for Talent Development offers this Special Interest Group meeting to its members who live or work in the Sarasota area. The cost to attend is $15 for ATD members and $20 for guests and other non-ATD members. Information on membership to the Suncoast Chapter of ATD will be available at the meeting or can be obtained online at