February Gathering
Friday, February 6, 2015
Location: National Louis University
5110 Eisenhower Boulevard South, Tampa, FL
Topic-Deepening Format
Politics in Organizations (Part 2)
How the most subtle skill of leadership is all about PLAY... and DIALOGUE
Our February session will followup on our lively (and playful) January session, with a brief primer on Appreciative Inquiry, and move quickly into a practice of it to explore, expand upon, and deepen our understanding of Politics in Organizations.
Our intent is to refine this format into an OD-SIG standard. We will use it to expand on topics of demonstrated potential, like "Politics" was at the January session. It will also help us to create freestanding sessions "using OD techniques to explore OD issues," making attendance at the first session on "Politics" of secondary importance; our February session is an Appreciative Inquiry practice session.
Rich and rewarding dialogue is a long standing OD-SIG value. These new, topic-deepening sessions will be in service to the tradition!
Join us!
Allison Gundersen
Allison received her M.S. in Organizational Behavior from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, where she studied with David Cooperrider. She also holds an M.A. in Intercultural Relations from Lesley University, and A.B. from Cornell University. She has extensive experience managing and consulting in information technology and investment banking worldwide, having been based in both Tokyo and New York City. Her global management work has focused on leadership, diverse teams, global responsibilities, and expatriation. Allison is a certified administrator of both the Global Competencies Inventory and the Intercultural Effectiveness Survey, and the co-author of the fifth edition of International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior with the original author, Nancy J. Adler.
Tim Flood
Tim facilitates inter-organization teams, teaches the enneagram, helps plan the OD-SIG events, and is Allison's back up on this one!
Many Thanks to our hosts at:
National Louis University
5110 Eisenhower Boulevard South, Tampa, FL
OD SIG's purpose
is to provide a forum for
both internal and external practitioners in OD and performance consulting to acquire and share knowledge of experiences, best practices, trends, and methodologies/tools
in the OD profession.