OD-SIG of Tampa Bay
January Gathering Politics in Organizations
Friday, January 9, 2015 9am-12pm
Location: National Louis University
5110 Eisenhower Boulevard South, Tampa, FL
Politics in Organizations
How the most subtle skill of leadership is all about PLAY.
Inherent in leadership is a capability to evoke the best, not only from individuals, or teams, or systems… but from the soup they all swim in. This month we are going to go deeper than to evoke “culture” as catch all, to name and explore one aspect of culture that is rich in potential, but more often the recipient of all sorts of negative labels…. Politics.
An intriguing quote from commentator E.J. Dionne philosopher Mike Sandel helps say it. “When politics goes well, we can know a good in common that we cannot know alone.” Beyond a leadership skill, perhaps this defines the essence of what leadership is most responsible for. And “politics” is the soil in which it must grow.
For January’s gathering, “playing politics” will take on a new meaning. OD-SIG regular Kent Linder will facilitate, using a game format called “Politics @ Work,” to opens a discussion. We’ll talk about definitions, concepts and experiences… what politics is and what is its place in healthy, high functioning organizations?
Sounds like a great combination of fun and stimulating! Join us!
Pre-think: Bring a list of three things you believe are true about Politics in organizations. We’ll start with that, then play the game and see if what we learn can help us put a finer point on the concept.