ODSIG presents: The Tools We Use and The Tools We Need Part 2

  • October 03, 2014
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • National Louis University 5110 Eisenhower Boulevard South, Tampa, FL


    tflood2@me.com or kdlinder@verizon.net

Registration is closed

OD-SIG of Tampa Bay

October Gathering

Friday, October 3, 2014  9am-12pm

Location: National Louis University

5110 Eisenhower Boulevard South, Tampa, FL

Part 2!

For groups and teams:

the tools we use,

and the tools we need

for team productivity

In our September meeting, we created a list of team tools used by those attending, with their offer to share their hands-on experiences with it. The list of tools was rich; we decided that rather than rush the sharing process we would split the list in two. We finished out the September meeting hearing about tools for diagnosing and dealing with the interpersonal and social aspects of teams.  In October, we will share task-focused tools which assist teams in creating or managing the processes they use to complete their charter. These range from defining deliverables, clarifying roles, tracking assignments, completing work.

On October 3, we will start with this task-focused list, adding tools brought by those joining us who were not in attendance during the September meeting.

One outcome we will attempt: a "tools most wanted" list. To capitalize on the rich dialogue that occurs whenever this group meets, our thinking about situations where we wished we had something, or something more powerful, to deal with a challenging team issue.

Hope to see you on Friday, October 3



If you attended our September session, please come prepared to share the tools we listed for October.  If you did not attend, bring 1 - 3 tools or processes you use to assist groups/teams with defining, tracking and accomplishing their work.


Be ready to give a short briefing regarding the tool's intent and your experience of its impact, as well as guidance for those wanting to learn more.



This format might best be described "self-faciliated" but host Kent Linder will help out. 


In an effort to prepare appropriately, it would be a great help to know who is planning to attend. 

OD SIG's purpose 

is to provide a forum for both internal and external practitioners in OD and performance consulting to acquire and share knowledge of experiences, best practices, trends, and methodologies/tools 

in the OD profession.










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