Advanced eLearning
It’s finally here!

A Deeper Dive into
eLearning Tools
Friday, September 26th
8:00AM - 4:00PM
Location: Florida Virtual Schools - MetroWest
Only $95 for a full day of Professional Development
$80 for members!
You have been provided the tools at your job to create eLearning, but it seems so overwhelming?
Where do you start?
Which tool do you use?
How do you create something that looks modern and is visually appealing?
There are a few industry standard tools that we all need to be familiar with, such as Adobe Presenteror Captivate. There are also tools that are fairly new on the block…but they are starting to make an impact on how we present our learning content. The old standby of PowerPoint is slowly becoming just another tool in the tool belt.
What about Camtasia, PowToon, or Prezi? Have you heard about or tried rapid design tools like these?
Knowing how to use a tool to create a result is one thing, but being able to make your project visually appealing and looking modern is a whole different skillset you need in your arsenal as well.
Sometimes, it isn't just about what you know. It can be about WHO you know. Our personal learning network is just as valuable an asset for us as is our skills that we have. As such, an opportunity to learn from and socialize with others in your field can create relationships that, in the long run, are impossible to place a price tag onto.
In the last of our 2014 eLearning and Instructional Design programs, you will learn about these types of tools, as well as many other tips, tricks, and the ability to network with others who are trying to grow in their career, just like you.
Come along with our experienced presenters as we explore these topics in a power-packed, hands-on day. We are going to provide you with experience stretching your visual design muscles and you will get to try out both simple and more complex rapid development tools.
One of our regular Learning Technology presenters,Barry Nadler, will help you find your visual style and coach you as you walk through the process of modeling a design that inspires you so you can turn it into a professional looking eLearning design.
Julie Strauss, of BlueStreak eLearning, will help you develop quick and easy screen captures for software training using Camtasia. If you are on a limited budget, but want to produce a quality product for your learners, this may be your solution!
Barry Nadler will also give you a tour of what Adobe Presenter 9 can offer you in a low- budget rapid design solution. As part of this tour, you will get to practice writing short scripts and recording audio and video.
Two of our students from ISD Bootcamp will share a portion of their projects with you and de-construct how they were developed. They will show you how they used Prezi and PowToon to create professional presentations in a matter of hours. Then, they will guide you as you get to create one for yourself.
Nick Elkins, of Artisan E-Learning, will provide you with a three-hour, hands-on practice session using the eLearning industry’s #1 rapid development tool,Adobe Captivate. If you are new to eLearning or are not familiar with this tool, you won’t believe what it can do for you and how it can streamline some of your development processes.
$80 for chapter members
$95 for all others
Based on what we have seen at our other Professional Development events, we expect this event to fill up fast, so...
Register now!
Florida Virtual School
Metro West -2145 MetroCenter Blvd, Ste 200
Orlando, FL 32835
Date: Friday, September 26, 2014
Time: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Lunch will be provided.
Bring Your Laptops – please have downloaded free demos of Adobe Captivate, Adobe Presenter, PowToon, Prezi, and Camtasia. You will also want to have a copy of PowerPoint (the more current, the better off you will be). We will not have time for you to download and install these programs at the event.
Cancellation Policy:
- You may apply for a full refund up to 3 days before (Sept 22) the day of the event.
- From 3 days before the event and forward (Sept 23), no refunds will be issued.